Issue: Spring 2015


Life-Changing: A 2012 alumnus is studying the first-generation experience he knows firsthand
The son of Colombian immigrants and the first in his family to go to college, Nestor Alexis Ramirez ’12 bucked the odds, thanks to a support network of UNC programs and mentors.

Reaching the Finish Line: $3 million grant to boost retention, graduation rates
Carolina is upping its game to boost retention and graduation rates for first-generation and historically underserved college students with a $3 million grant from President Obama’s “First in the World” competition through the U.S. Department of Education.

Closing one chapter, beginning another
As seniors get ready for spring commencement and cross things off their Carolina bucket lists, they’ll say goodbye to their life as undergrads but hello to the new opportunities ahead. Their journey, as they close one chapter and begin another, reminds me of my own.

A World of Opportunities: New M.A. program prepares students for global careers
During an undergraduate semester abroad in Cameroon, Sarah Miller Frazer spent time in the classroom but also traveled around the country to explore issues firsthand. When it came time to apply to graduate schools, Frazer sought a program with a heavy emphasis on field experiences and interdisciplinary research.

The Art and Science of Medicine: Students explore medicine through the lens of the humanities
This fall, Carolina will launch a new master’s curriculum in literature, medicine and culture. Faculty across the UNC School of Medicine and the College of Arts and Sciences have been working on the development of the master’s for about seven years, and the undergraduate minor provided an opportunity to introduce students to the field.

Mapmaking Pioneer: Sandy McNally ’63 served as head of iconic business that helped Americans hit the highways
Alumnus Andrew “Sandy” McNally IV served as CEO, president and chair of Rand McNally & Co. for more than two decades. The iconic business was co-founded in 1868 by his Irish immigrant great-great grandfather.

College Bookshelf: Spring 2015
Books on African fashion, women and democracy in Cold War Japan, the downfall of a marriage, a Southern recipe collection, a cool cat named Louis Fellini and more.

No Man Nomad No More
Global travel writer Stephanie Elizondo Griest reflects on her new life in Chapel Hill.

Congratulations Class of 2015
Studio art major Linnea Lieth’s original illustration is a send-off gift for the Class of 2015.

Hungry for the Humanities: Creative community programs attract a broader public audience
Creative community offerings show that adult learners are still hungry for humanities programs that illuminate their lives.

Tracking the Earth’s Heartbeats
A team of researchers uses cutting-edge technology to better predict when and how one of South America’s most active volcanoes will erupt.

Potential pancreatic cancer treatment could increase life expectancy
UNC researchers have developed a device that could impact pancreatic cancer treatmentt: By using electric fields, the device can drive chemotherapy drugs directly into tumor tissue, preventing their growth and in some cases, shrinking them.

Young scholars claim honors
Two Carolina seniors and two young alumni have won prestigious awards for graduate studies.

First-Year Seminars: Gateway to success at Carolina
The First Year Seminars Program offers innovative, inventive and one-of-a-kind classes designed to help incoming students make the transition from high school to a global research university.

Toppin wins national opera award
Louise Toppin, professor and chair of the music department, has received the 2015 Legacy Award from the National Opera Association.