Category: Tar Heels Up Close
Tar Heels Up Close
The sustainability entrepreneur
David Rosenberg credits his Carolina education for honing the analytical and people skills that have contributed to his success in diverse industries.
‘Making and unmaking’
Artist Annette Lawrence emphasizes the process of creating and teaching students to embrace unexpected discoveries during the artistic process.
Mentors, matter
Ph.D. student Zack Hall has made an impact at Carolina through his research of subatomic particles and by supporting undergraduate physicists.
Exploring the special challenges of youth caregivers
Professor Betsy Olson raises the profile of the overlooked and vulnerable by cultivating a culture of collaboration through a geography lens.
Fighting for rural health care access
From Appalachia to the Research Triangle, Caroline Hoover is striving to improve rural health care access, particularly birth and pregnancy services.
XO, Jenny Han
Fans love the bestselling YA author’s novels and TV shows. Do they know her heart bleeds Carolina blue?
Captivated by chemistry
Organic chemist Sidney Wilkerson-Hill is using a Sloan Research Fellowship to develop new small-molecule pesticides to combat mosquitoes that cause malaria.
Precarious workers in unprecedented times
Alexandrea Ravenelle’s latest book explores how COVID-19 affected the most vulnerable wage-earners.
A thrilling debut
Victoria Wlosok signed a book deal for her young adult thriller with a “big five” publisher when she was still a first-year student. On Sept. 19, her work hit the shelves.
‘Root shock’
Graduate student Ari Green is studying the experiences of Black people being displaced from their homes and communities in three urban areas.
Optimizing optics
Nicolas Pégard’s lab helps neuroscientists tackle research challenges with custom-designed optical technology.
The Hollywood storyteller
Alumna Rayna McClendon found her love of screenwriting through classes in the department of communication at UNC.
Borders and boundaries
Political geographer Banu Gökarıksel directs Carolina’s popular curriculum in global studies while exploring her own research about global and local belonging.