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Fiorenza Micheli studied sustainable fisheries as an undergrad in the IMS. Now, she is a professor of biology at Stanford University.

Fiorenza Micheli studied sustainable fisheries as an undergrad in the IMS. Now, she is a professor of biology at Stanford University.

Happy Birthday, IMS!


In celebration of the 70th birthday of UNC’s Institute of Marine Sciences, we share this field research photo from the early 1990s of Fiorenza Micheli, a graduate student of marine scientist Charles “Pete” Peterson. In this photo Micheli was preparing for a day on the water studying sustainable fisheries in Carteret County. Today, Micheli is a professor of biological sciences at Stanford University. Click here to view a larger version of the photo.

Learn more about the research that happens at IMS at an open house Oct. 21 from 1 to 4 p.m. Read more here

Published in the Fall 2017 issue | The Scoop

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