The 2013 Dean’s Award for Distinguished Service to the College honors two alumni: Julia Sprunt Grumbles ’75 of Chapel Hill and the late Frank Borden Hanes Sr. ’42 of Winston-Salem.
The award, established in 2010 by the Arts and Sciences Foundation, recognizes volunteers who have served the College with “exceptional vision and leadership.”
Grumbles served as interim vice chancellor of university development from 2012 to 2013 while a search for a permanent director was under way.
She retired in 2006 as a corporate vice president and the senior ranking woman at Turner Broadcasting Systems.
In addition, Grumbles has served as:
- A founder of the Carolina Women’s Leadership Council, which recognizes outstanding faculty, mentors promising students and brings together Tar Heel women with a common love for the University.
- A mentor to undergraduates in the College’s minor in entrepreneurship.
- A counsel to the Chancellor’s Innovation Circle, the Institute for the Arts and Humanities Advisory Board and the steering committee of the Carolina First fundraising campaign.
Hanes, a poet, novelist, journalist, farmer, outdoorsman, businessman and philanthropist, served his alma mater with selfless generosity as Carolina’s champion of the liberal arts.
Hanes established multiple endowments bearing the names of family and friends, funds in the College that will benefit generations of students and faculty, and that reflect his love of creative writing, the humanities and art. In 1985, the Frank Borden and Barbara Lasater Hanes Art Center was dedicated in honor of the family’s support of the arts.
In addition, Hanes:
- Created the Thomas Wolfe Scholarship in Creative Writing to encourage and challenge good writers and talented faculty and to help students.
- Founded the Arts and Sciences Foundation in 1975 to inspire private gifts that would elevate and strengthen the College, its faculty and students.
A UNC professor once said of Hanes, “the whole span of his works and services to this University is a long season of friendship in multiple manifestations.”
Published in the Spring 2014 issue | The Scoop
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