When national and international media need experts to comment on and analyze news and trends, they turn to Carolina faculty and alumni. Of course, College of Arts & Sciences faculty members often make news of their own with groundbreaking research findings. Here are just a few examples; see more at college.unc.edu.
“New York is one of the most, if not the most, diverse Muslim cities in the world. There is no such thing as a ‘Muslim world’ somewhere else.”
- Katie Merriman, Ph.D. candidate in religious studies, on the free walking tours she gives on New York’s Muslim history.
“Respondents viewed stay-at-home parents as less reliable, less deserving of a job — and the biggest penalty — less committed to work, compared with unemployed applicants.”
- Kate Weisshaar, assistant professor of sociology, on a study that found only 4.9 percent of stay-at-home mothers were contacted for job interviews after sending in resumes
“By better understanding the factors that lead us to become hangry, we can give people the tools to recognize when hunger is [negatively] impacting their feelings and behaviors.”
- Jennifer MacCormack, Ph.D. candidate in psychology and neuroscience, on the psychological mechanisms that transform hunger into feeling “hangry”
“They’re only measuring for E. coli total, not the specific types of E. coli that can make you sick.”
- Rachel Noble, professor of marine sciences, on the real problem with the effectiveness of most E. coli tests after an outbreak linked to romaine lettuce
“Right now the Triangle is experiencing a housing crunch. We have an affordability problem as it is.”
- Mai Nguyen, associate professor of city and regional planning, on growing pains for North Carolina’s booming capital if Apple chooses Raleigh for a new U.S. campus
The observation of tornillos [ low-frequency seismic events] in volcano infrasound recordings “is a very cool thing.”
- Jonathan Lees, professor of geological sciences, on the sounds recorded in the 2015 eruption of Ecuador’s Cotopaxi volcano
- Actor LeVar Burton reads Sea Girls, a short story about a stranded mermaid, by Daniel Wallace, J. Ross MacDonald Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing, featured in episode 26