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Flowers outside the Old Well

A bequest estimated at $7.5 million from an anonymous donor will establish three or more distinguished professorships in the College of Arts and Sciences.

The donor, a longtime supporter of the College, directed his gift to create professorships in the departments of communication and history, two of the larger academic departments at Carolina. The gift will be made upon the death of the donor.

Endowed professorships help recruit or retain outstanding faculty by providing salary support and research funding. Professorships funded at $2 million or more provide the most flexibility and are especially needed as competition increases nationwide for top faculty.

Rob Parker, senior associate dean for development and executive director of the Arts and Sciences Foundation, said that the donor’s own experience at Carolina and his knowledge of the key role that outstanding faculty have in transforming students’ lives led him to make such a visionary gift.

“A gift of this magnitude will have a profound influence on the quality of teaching for our undergraduates and in attracting first-rate graduate students to Carolina,” Parker said. “Exceptional faculty inspire students, who in turn become thoughtful global citizens. We are grateful to the donor for helping ensure the continued strength of our faculty in these two departments.”


Published in the Fall 2016 issue | The Scoop

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