PlayMakers at 40 revisits The Crucible (event spotlight)
In 1976, PlayMakers Repertory Company became the professional theater-in-residence on the UNC campus and brought Arthur Miller’s gripping play, The Crucible, to life.
In 1976, PlayMakers Repertory Company became the professional theater-in-residence on the UNC campus and brought Arthur Miller’s gripping play, The Crucible, to life.
Introducing Artists After Hours, an occasional feature in which we interview faculty, staff and students who pursue artistic avocations in areas not directly related to their day jobs and studies.
Popular culture tends to view the world’s great religions as monolithic identities, when the complex history of religion encompasses a spectrum of beliefs based on location, culture and myriad other factors.
In 2010, Chérie Rivers Ndaliko and her husband, internationally acclaimed Congolese filmmaker and activist Petna Ndaliko Katondolo, traveled to 33 colleges and universities around the country to show their film, Jazz Mama, which documents the strength of Congolese women in the face of upheaval and violence.
UNC cultural anthropologist Colin Thor West became interested in the lives of rural farmers and the challenges they face when he served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Togo, West Africa, from 1994 to 1996.
Anyone interested in changing the world must understand how institutions and systems work, and how the political and social environments in which they operate shape them all.
Last year, student interns at the Southern Oral History Program interviewed 16 of the “Black Pioneers,” African-Americans who attended UNC-Chapel Hill from 1952 to 1972 and were the first students to desegregate the University.
A Q&A with Terry Rhodes ’78, senior associate dean for fine arts and humanities, about “Carolina’s Human Heart.”
The arts and humanities inform, inspire, energize and excite us. They bring context and meaning to the important issues of the day — and to our lives. This fall, the College of Arts and Sciences kicks off a major new initiative, “Carolina’s Human Heart: Living the arts and humanities.”
“Poetry is a transformative art form that compels people to think, to reflect and to engage. ” More from Mohammad Moussa.